after a morning of shopping, us girls were famished! Finding ourselves at spadina and camden we were yearning for breakie…eggs, toast, home fries the whole shebang. Through the traffic and concrete skyscrapers we saw a little yellow sign: “restaurant” it said and like an oasis in the dessert we were drawn to this beaming beacon. Windows steamed and unsure of what lay on the other side of the door, we hustled inside and found ourselves welcomed by friendly faces and the oh so sweet smell of traditional bacon and eggs. Exposed brick, and walls littered with old diner photos enchanted me and created and atmosphere that was simply timeless. As I sipped my little cup of tea and gabbed with my girlfriends, I was at peace. Our meals arrived and to my delight portions large enough to satisfy a football player. I ate and ate away and embarrassingly barely made a dent in my dish….clearly today my eyes were wider than my three sunny side up eggs, brown toast and a heaping helping of home fries…deliciously done diner styles of course….perhaps next time, and yes there will be a next time I will keep this in mind when I order….but who are we kidding, probably not! Full from a fabulous breakfast, satisfied with the unbeatable company and charmed by the grace and adorableness of the diner I felt happy… Untouched by modern commercialism this downtown treasure has found a special place in my heart; it is cozy and cute and emulates all that one could ever hope for in a traditional greasy spoon.....right down to the classic diner hats.... simply magnifique!

Avenue Open Kitchen
7 Camden Street,
Toronto, ON
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