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s o m e • f o o d • f o r • t h o u g h t
food is fabulous....and the fact of the matter is there is nothing i would rather do than go out for delicious delights with my dear dear friends. Sweet, savory and oh so yummy is there really anything more marvelous than spending time with the people you love dining over delectables? ...and so kate's kitchen escapades was born.....this little "ode to food" chronicles my love for eating and the oh so exciting adventure that dining out can be.........so read it, enjoy, eat, drink and be merry... i hope you love it as much as i love sharing it with you..…..
The*Princess*and*the*PancakeThe true tale of triumph in a time of turmoil
Ok so we all know that Mildred Pierces pancakes were PRIMO… the crème de la crème in the city, people traveled far and wide and even stood in line for hours just to have a taste of these tremendous breakfast treats… One sad sad day a few years back, our blessed Mildred gracefully bowed out of the restaurant world and as she shut her doors, instantly the cities pancake stock plummeted and our pallets lost a true treasure.. … oh how we longed for a decent fluffy breakfast delight that wasn’t dense, mealy, over cooked… we scoured Toronto from tip to tip but nothing seemed to compare to MP’s famous flapjacks… and alas after much searching we surrendered to the notion that the precious pancakes of yesteryear were no longer…. A tear was shed and although other brunch delights were able to fill this void, in our heart of hearts we knew we had suffered a great loss…. Flash forward to a time of financial turmoil and uncertainty.. a time where things that we know are no longer and our depressing daily conversations revolve around our crumbling economy…. And then there.. like a burst of light… rising from the ashes.. resilient Mildred makes a triumph return… Pancake in hand… and just like that we are reminded that things can be good again. The spectacularly stunning Liberty Village restaurant is breathtaking. Its open concept space sparkles with personality and poise. The food oh so fabulous speaks for itself…… and the pancakes… perfection…..just like I remembered….. and as I sat here on this particular Sunday morning I scooped up the syrupy soaked last spoonful and I smiled… the strings that once tugged at my heart had been untied and I was overcome with a feeling of hope. Mildred’s Second coming reminded me that we appreciate things much more when they are gone and that if we can just hang on through the pancakeless years and enjoy the things that we do have… eventually life will be sweet once again! 
Mildred’s Temple Kitchen
85 Hanna Avenue
Toronto, ON
a * hop * skip & jump
Never before as excited for Sunday to arrive I leapt out of bed this particular chilly day..super excited for my supper that was still hours away. When the clock struck seven, I scurried over to meet the Sunday night supper society at this little crown jewel in the heart of Cabbagetown. Just a few steps below the street, the House of Parliament sits unsuspectingly, and although many pass by without notice, inside it is always packed with locals reminiscing over a pint or partaking in some delicious dining delights. Sunday nights in addition to their totally tasty regular menu ( boosting such delights as a scrumptious steak and stilton sandwich and melt in your mouth yummy meat and vegetable tortures) the happening’ House… serves up an on so SPECTACULAR Prime Rib dinner… it is simply a MUST!!.... Gathering to catch up, gossip and indulge in good grub, the five of us huddled on the red velvet banquet seats and savored in each other’s company as we waited for our meals to arrive… within no time our table was filled with perfectly cooked prime rib, yorkshire pudding, gravy, mounds of mouthwatering mash potatoes and steamed veggies..... at 14.99 per person it was perfection! Talk about a perfect ending to the weekend…. washed down with a pint of beer and a barrel of laughs, nights at this house are happy ones!

House on Parliament
456 Parliament Street
Toronto, ON